Soon aftter the first land grants were issued in 1816, a detachment of soldiers was stationed at Red Point south of Wollongong.  The garrison was relaocate north in 1826 to the fledgling settlement that became the town of Wollongong. Later in the century, there were fears that Russia or some other nation might attack parts of Australia.  Wollongong was equipped with defensive guns and a garrison.  The outbreak of the Second World War increased fears that the heavy industries at Port Kembla were potential targets for enemy attack. Artillery and observation installations were established to protect the area.  Many of those installations remain including Fort Drummond, Hill 60, Port Kembla Breakwater Battery. and smaller sites such as air raid shelters.

Smith' Hill Fort Fortification located on Cliff Rd, Wollongong
School Air Raid Precautions Illawarra Historical Society Bulletin Oct-Dec 2023
Fort Drummond Gun emplacement west of Coniston